dermal fillers TREATMENTS
The three filler ranges I commonly use are the Belotero® and Teosyal® ranges, I do also inject Restylane Kysse® for the majority of my lip augmentations.
They are all Hyaluronic Acid gel (HA). Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in our body – in our skin, eyes and joints. In the skin it is responsible for hydrating, plumping and increasing the skins elasticity.
Which Dermal Filler is right for me?
The filler that I choose to treat you with will depend largely on the area of the face we are injecting, and what end result we are trying to achieve.
Do Dermal Fillers hurt?
The fillers all come with local anaesthetic added to the HA gel, so generally this is a well tolerated procedure. I commonly use an anaesthetic cream to make this procedure more comfortable too. If you are really adverse to discomfort I can offer you a dental block for when we are treating top lip lines or augmenting lips. The cost of a dental block is $20.
How long does a dermal filler treatment take?
The length of your treatment will depend on the particular area we are treating, but I generally allow 1- 1 and a half hours for this procedure.

How much do dermal fillers cost?
Volume filler – Starting from $450 upwards.
Lip Augmentation – Starting from $330-$750 (this depends largely on the amount that you want injected). The most common amount I inject is 0.5ml or 1ml which is $490or $750.
Fine lines and wrinkles – Starting from $110/$115 upwards (depending on the amount of lines you want injected).
Tear troughs – Starting from $220 upwards (depending on the severity of the correction to be made).
Approximate prices for filler only. The cost can vary largely from person to person depending on severity of area to be corrected.
Dermal Fillers for the ageing face
For the majority of us, the thought of ageing can be a little daunting.
There are three main factors I take into consideration when assessing the face for fillers. Skin condition, loss of facial fat and change in bony structure. These all help contribute to changes in facial contours. These three factors all help me to decide which fillers I think will be most suitable for you and the technique I will use to inject the filler.
Belotero® Volume and Teosyal® Ultra Deep are ideal fillers for enhancing facial contours and restoring volume. These fillers are designed to integrate beautifully into your own tissue providing very natural results. I commonly use these products in areas such as cheeks, jawline and marionette area (corners of mouth).
Augmenting lips
Lip augmentation is a procedure that has increased in popularity hugely over the past few years, especially in the younger age bracket.
Lips would have to be one of my favourite areas to inject with filler!
Lips done well can compliment a face beautifully. However we have all seen lips that have been over filled and over treated, if this is the look you want, I am probably not the injector for you!
The two filler brands I like to inject into lips is Belotero® Intense and Balance or Restylane Kysse®. These products integrate beautifully into your own tissue, an extremely important factor when treating areas of high movement like lips – you want to see the results with out feeling anything different!
Tear troughs
The product I choose to inject here is Teosyal® Redensity II. This product has been specifically designed for treating the tear trough area to address fine lines, dark circles and hollows under the eyes. It is perfectly suited for the thin and delicate skin around the eyes. Its combination of Hyaluronic Acid, vitamins and amino acids help to not only restore volume but also rejuvenate the skin. I always like to treat tear troughs over two sessions, as the skin is so thin in this area, it is extremely important not to over treat this area.
Dermal filler for fine lines & wrinkles
My product of choice for correcting fine lines and deeper wrinkles is Belotero® Intense and Balance. These two types of fillers when injected superficially into the skin integrate beautifully to soften or completely get rid of those unwanted, annoying lines.
i offer free consultations to geT you started on the righT plan

Belotero® is hyaluronic acid dermal filler. It is used to improve the look of facial fold and wrinkles and restore volume, including contouring, shaping and volumising of the lips. Always read the label and consult your Healthcare Professional for more information. This medical device must be administered by a Healthcare Professional. You should tell your practitioner and avoid treatment with BELOTERO® if you: have had an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients; if you tend to develop keloids or heavy scars; have any bleeding disorders, poor wound healing, inflamed or infected skin, or general infection; are under the age of 18; are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform your practitioner of any diseases you have or have had. These include in particular cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, liver or kidney problems, skin infections or severe allergies. If you take medication or vitamins, have had previous cosmetic procedures, or have been treated with other implants, please inform your practitioner.
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